Hello everyone! This is your site founder MikuruX giving you another report on the current progress of Anime Toshokan Inc. Things will definitely be going at a snail pace as to content being added to the database as I’m the sole person inserting all of the information on this site. Yes, I technically don’t have a site staff even though I have staff members but only in Discord (even that is pretty quiet) so I mostly consider myself a solo admin when it comes to this site. The only active site member I have here is Razzee but his sole purpose is to do reviews and posts here and there. I don’t hound people to do stuff as it’s not my way of doing things. I may gripe about all of this but I have no one else to blame but myself so please bare with me here.
Now, as to things that have been done on this site since Update #1, I’ve gotten a better understanding on how WordPress works as I continue to play around with the functions and with the features made with the our site theme. Again, I can’t express enough how much I appreciate the work that RAMTHEMES have put into this themes systems to making it easy to import data from AniList onto our site….yes, our site is dependant on extracting data from another database so we’re a knockoff site now but this site is in a better condition than it was from when we were using Invision Power Board, our old content management system. With that being said, new entries have been added into the database as follows:
- Boku no Hero Academia (Season 1 – 7)
- Card Captor Sakura (Original Series, Clear Card Arc, & Movies)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (Season 1 & 2, Movie)
- Slam Dunk (Movie)
- Kara no Kyoukai (All Movies)
- Violet Evergarden (Movie)
- and more
Along with these additions to the database, I’m happy to say that we’ve found a forum system that we’re happy with and have included a forums back to the site. It will NOT be our main focus anymore so it’s very bare right now with just the general discussion section added….I’ll add more categories when I get home from my IRL job (which is in another state now so I’m away from home most of the week and is doing the site work with what I can over my laptop and my job Wi-Fi…..yeah, the struggle is real). With that being said, there are still things we want to add to this site so I will I can find more plugins to help bring more functions and enjoyment to you all here so I can one day hope to have this site become populated once again.
If you would like to help me, just head over to our Discord and leave me a message in chat about what you want to contribute to the site or our group as a whole and I’ll get back with you (Please be advised, this site is driven by fans who have LOTS of free time and just want to help, this is not an actual job folks….keep that in mind. This is why I don’t hound people for content or to do anything because no one is being paid of any sorts to do this). Thank you again and stay tuned for more news on our reconstruction.
– MikuruX (Founder & Owner of Anime Toshokan Inc.)